My July faves are here! Summer is winding down but I’m trying to keep this season going for as long as possible! I just love the dog days of summer.


1.  Mrs. Meyers Lemon Verbena Air Freshener. Citrus is my favorite scent for air freshener and cleaning products. I used this fragrance when I first started with Grove Collaborative (click the link if you haven’t tried Grove for a coupon on your first order) and now I have circled back around and this is still my favorite. It’s a fine mist and I just love the handle. Sold!

2.  Nest Candle in Vanille Orchid and Almond. Ok, this is pricey for a candle and I have plenty of favorite candles that are less expensive but if you are wanting to treat yourself or someone else to something a little extra special, this is a great choice. I just love it and of course it has a vanilla overtone that is my favorite  for candles 🙂

3.   Wet n Wild Blush in Pearlescent Pink. This is actually a new product for me. I’ve been using it for a couple of months after hearing it was a dupe for NARS Orgasm.  It kinda is but in the meantime, I just love this product. It comes off a little pinky-peachy with a touch of sheen. And, stay tuned for the drug store dupes comparisons coming in the firs week or so of August.

4. What I’m Watching This Month – Ohhh, I’m watching Big Brother and I’m way too involved in it! If you want to follow along on all my highs and lows, follow me on Twitter because I’m tweeting and retweeting every move they make and I throw in The Bachelorette for good measure.

5. SnapSeed. I downloaded and used this app occasionally to edit my photos, but this month I have been using it like crazy. It’s about the only editing tool I need. I just love it! It’s was free when I downloaded it a year or two ago but there may be a nominal charge now. If I only had one editing tool, this would be it.

6. What I’m currently reading this month. I started listening to Glory Days by Max Lucado a few weeks ago during my commute and I’m happy to start my morning with “living my promised land” life! I just love listening to the storytelling style of Max Lucado. Bonus… this book also has a study guide. For other books I read (or listened to) this summer, click here for my Summer Reading blogpost.
