I’m always trying to make the commitment of reading more. This last time was when I took an overnight flight at the beginning of the summer and I stocked up on my summer must reads– you know how many of those I actually read? … Zero. Per usual, it was Audible to the rescue. It is literally the only way I have time to “read” anymore.

I’m surprised at how many of my friends still don’t know about Audible. I am constantly recommending it. Road trips. Check. Work Commute. Check. Airplane Rides. Check. Check Check.  If I think about it, I’ve always been a fan… but back in the day, we called it something else, Books On Tape LOL! I would wag cassette tapes in binders, no less, of whatever book or series I was listening to. Well, fast forward about 30 years and life has gotten a whole lot simpler…plug in some earphones, pick a book and away you go!  Here’s whats currently in the queue.

  1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. By Robin Sharma. Told as an inspiring parable about a lawyer, Julian Mantle, whose out-of-balance life provokes a spiritual crisis. As he journeys to an ancient culture, he gains powerful and practical wisdom. The story offers a step-by-step approach to a life of balance, courage, abundance, and joy. It’s a quick read and I always enjoy a book that combines practical life tools with spiritual overtones.

  2. Murder on the Orient Express. By Agatha Christie. This is an oldie but a goodie. I’ve read it’ before but I started listening to it because a new movie is coming out this year. Still as good as I remembered.

  3. Big Little Lies. By Liane Moriarity. This is an HBO series so I wanted to read it before I watched! I won’t spoil it for you but if you love the show, you don’t want to miss this one.

  4. Glory Days. By Max Lucado. Living Your Promised Land Life Now. It doesn’t really matter what book I read or listen to by this author, I know I’m going to love it. It’s one of the few author’s that I keep the actual books long after I read them. I just love listening to the storytelling style of Max Lucado. Bonus… this book also has a study guide.

  5.  Into the Water. By Paula Hawkins. This is a suspense thriller that is written by the author, “A Girl on the Train,” so it was a must have for one of my reads this summer. I normally stick with self help, inspirational or business type books, so when I can sneak off and spend a little time in the fiction world, I love it!

Click the link below if you are interested in trying Audible out. This link provides a two free audio book trial. Let me know what you think!

Until Next Time!