Welcome to my new series, Tonya’s Monthly Round Up. At the end of each month, I will list all my favorite articles, products, posts, reads and more! Let’s get started…

The holidays are over and time to start a band new year! So, of course #1 on my list of faves is my new planner. The one I picked for my main planner this year was the Michael’s Recollection Series (vertical layout). For you planner peeps out there, you know its a dupe for the Erin Condren. I splurged on The Happy Planner Cover to help hold all of my extras. So far, I LOVE it!

* Favorite app this month? I discovered Bitmoji’s and they have eeked into all my social media and texts– whatever your mood, there is a bitmoji for that (LOL) Have fun and create your own free emoji that looks just like you!

*Beauty – Milani Conceal + Perfect. It’s a two in one foundation/concealer. I still use my regular concealer but since finding this, I have put all my “high brow” foundations away. I actually mix two different colors to get my exact match. It is full coverage, really full coverage, which is perfect for me because I have discoloration, unevenness, etc. on my face and neck. This is an all day workhorse foundation that won’t let you down.

 And far and away my favorite thing about January was attending my first Calligraphy Class. I’ve taken everything from quilting to scrapbooking and even a doodle course, but this was my first legit calligraphy experience and it was everything I thought it would be!! I absolutely loved it! Look for an upcoming blog post for details!